Saturday, April 12, 2008

Step 4

I think that the autobiography of malcom x is needed in literature class because i feel that a class should read this book as a group in black history month because all of the stuff that malcom x is talking about in his book is very important and is needed to be told to all races not just black and white i feel in the beginning and middle of the book malcom x was a little racist because he was just going off of what he had experienced and saw then later on in the book when he had some encounters with some white people who were not racist he saw that all people are not the smae regardless of the kin of the perosn i feel malcom x was a very outspoken man and he did do soem good in our country some people feel malcom x was against dr. king but thats not true they were both figihting for two totally different things. the importance of this novel was to let people know what really went on back in the day how the whites treated the african americans and malcom didn't knind anything he told you everything he possibly could of told you another thing that is importnat about thtis book is that you can fall and easily get back up meaning malcomhad went to using drugs then once he got locked up he changed for the better and made something out of himself so you can do wrong one day then do right the next malcom x also showed young black ment hat they can make something out of them selves regardless of what people tell you. I feel that this book was one of the best books i have ever read because i din't really understand the importance and truth of malcom x's life until i read this book and took the time to understand it.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

Not a bad start, but you need some direct evidence to help show what you are telling.

You may also look for other people's critical analysis for evidence as well.