Friday, April 11, 2008

malcom x chaper 14- 16

In the next chapter malcom starts this newspaper especially for muslims and then this man byt he name of eric writes a book about black muslims in america nd malcom is very upset about it because of all the publicity it is getitng so malcom trys to defend ellijah on a panel. Malcom then travels to africa and differnt countries speaking to the people and malcom is very rude to other african americans in these countries calling them uncle toms ans other crucial names but ellijah tries and tell him to keep it at a extent but then he starts to let malcom speak publicly about his feelings on blacks and they started hosting rallies that white people were not allowed in and the police and fbi started tapping all of the conversations. In chapter 15 malcom tires to take over the nation of islam because ellijah is getting older so they bought him a house in arizona and malcom started making decisions without his approval like speaking at universities and ellijah became very upset of that and disapproved of it and malocm tired to stop making so many bad decisions so ellijah wouldn't be mad at him. In the next chapter john f. kennedy is murdered and ellijah ordered that no minister should speak on the death of kennedy but once again malcom dis obeys he says that the murder was justifiable homicide so ellijah silences malcom for 90 days and malcom felt betrayed because he felt ellijah did that because people were taking him to court and he was trying to save hisself so malcom hears that their is a warrant out for his death and he is told to stay away from the nation of islam so he gets some money and moves.

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