Thursday, April 10, 2008

malcom x chapter 10- 13

in chapter ten when malcom is in prison he is having withdrawals from no drug se and he has avery qucik temper so he is placed in the hole because he cannot behave hisself, while in jail he meets tis man by the name of bimbi and malcom befriends him bimbi is a man who has a very strong voice and beleives richly in religion so he talks with malcom and malcom then stops being so violent and starts using the prison library as a place to go and calm his nerves. malcom's brother reginald starts telling him about the nation of islam and then malcom says he thinks that becoming a muslim will help him get off of liquor and drugs so he stops eating pork. Malcom starts ti think of how all the white people he have every became in contact with have tries to harm him so then he turns to becoming a islam. in the next chapter he starts to broaden his vocabulary by staying up all night in his cell reading the dictionary soon he starts to read about africa and the people, he then starts to do public speaking and each time he speaks he always bring up the fact of racism he is trying to make all people know how the whites are really are. One night in a dream ellijah comes and tell malcom that is brother has been suspended for sleeping with the secretary. So then Malcom starts to disown his brother and family and starts coming closer to the religion and with malcom doing this his brother goes insane malcom beleives that his brother went insane because that was the muslim god trying to punish him for his actions. In chapter 12 malcom is relased from prison and he moves with his borther wilfred but wilfred does not feel comfortable living with malcom because he is tring to make his household muslim so ellijah comes to town and malcom meets him and during their meeting ellijah tells malcom to try and convery younger children to muslim. After a couple months of going to the temple Malcom changes his at name to X because his name would of been X if his ancestors had not been kidnapped from Africa he is later appointed to become assistant minister at the temple. In the next chapter malcom trys to get shorty to convert but he will not because he says that he loves white woman and pork to much but malcom also finds out that sammy the pimp has died and the west indian man is dying. Malcom then meets this woman named betty who starts going to the temple and they get married and have 5 children then later on in 1958 his siter converts to islam.

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