Friday, April 11, 2008

April 11 mentor log 1:30- 2:30

Today i met with my mentor once again but it was also a slow day today because we have been over all the bascs and all the ins and outs of being a detective so i know all their is to know at this point today i met a man by the name of jeff who wroks for the district attorney's office and me and detective saulters went over the process of the court system how the things are prepared and how they deleiver them to the court to get the jury to beleive them we also went over the witness protection program and how the program works we also went over what i will do when i ride along with a patrol officer on this friday. Detective saulters anfd jeff went over something concerning a man that they were looking for and how they would find him because he was wanted on a rape charge and he needed to be caught before time was up, they also mentioned that they had to do it secretly because the person knew that they were looking for him, when we went over the witness protection program it was said that when you are in the witness protection program you are giving a whole new identity and you are moved out of the state that you were living i and you start your life all over some of the people that are in the witness protection program their families feel that they are mssing because you cannot have any contact with your family memebers but it was said that they do break the laws and some people comes back tot heir normal life.

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