Thursday, August 30, 2007

Down A Dark Hall

In the fifth chapter of the book 3 more students arrived at the school sandy, ruth and lynda and they were very excited about the school at first because they thought that the school was going to be full of students but tot heir surpriese it was only four in all and when they asked madam duret about the sitation she said that their was only four students for the first session because everybody didn't meet the requirements to get accepted in the school so they just thought of it being a better oppurtuntiy for them one night when everybody was asleep Kit was still up writing a letter to her friend tracie and she heard a loud scream then she heard a moaing sound so she decided to go see what was going on so by the time she reached sandy's room she heard it agin she tried to open the door but it was locked so she tried it again and it was open whenshe stepped in teh room all she could hear was heavy breathing when she reached sandy's bed their wasn't anybody in the room but sandy so Kit and Sandy expects that is a ghost of someone who used to live in the house.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Down A Dark Hall

This story is about a girl name kit who is going to a boarding school because her parents feel that she needs to be around other children more because her mother was a single mother and she was the only child and instead of treating her like her daughter she treated her like a equal her new step- father said that it would be good for her to go to a boarding school, and she felt like she didn't want to go because her bestfriend wasn't going so she told her mother that she didn't want to go but her step daddy insisted that she go anyway so once they got to the school all of that changed because the building was so huhe she felt as if she would like it but soon all fo that will change.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007



Starting in 2000 a law was passed called “ The No Child Left Behind Act” a nationwide law that states no child should be left behind regardless of age, race, disability and much more. It is a law that was made by President Bush saying that many of American children were failing and that wasn’t acceptable. He thinks most American children are failing because the lack of teachers doing their job and most children are not trying to learn because they feel that nobody cares if they get their education. When most schools fail, there are stereotypes saying that the kids are illiterate. The law was basically passed because so many schools nationwide were not meeting their standards.

The government passed the law to see which schools were not meeting their standards and why. They would take the money away from the schools that were not trying to better themselves and give it to another school. I think that is wrong because they should try to help those people who were not meeting the standards because something somewhere was wrong .I feel that some of the children in the schools that were failing did want to learn and not all of the kids were there just to be there. Most people think that the law is stupid because either way you look at it, it’s not helping anybody. The purpose of the law was to help children who were being left behind; all the law is doing is helping those who don’t need help, which are the schools who are above their standards.

I think they should help the schools who are failing because some children can’t help what environment or school they go to. These students want to make the best of where they are, and try to make something out of their selves and graduate. This law is discouraging students who don’t go to a school that meets the standards. People say those students who don’t meet standards will either end up in jail or hell.

A good example of how this law discourages students could be seen in a movie called “Fighting The Odds” The movie is about a parole officer who goes to a local high school to help some students who are having problems passing the graduation test. Her and a colleague start a group called “No More Victims” a group for students whose parents are incarcerated. She is trying to help them graduate from high school so they can make something out of themselves. That’s why the movie is called “fighting the odds”. This movie proves my point about the graduation test and the no child left behind act because the students were told my many people teachers and students that they would no amount to anything because they wouldn’t graduate from high school but thanks to the group they proved them wrong.

90% of Georgia’s children are not graduating from high school each year because the Georgia Graduation tests. Students have to pass the entire test in order to get their diplomas. If they don’t pass the test they will not be able to walk with their class or receive their diploma, you will be given a certificate of attendance. I think this is wrong because you stay in high school for 4 years attempting to walk across that stage on your special night and by the time its their senior year they have to take five different tests. Math, English, science, social studies, and Writing. Students must pass each one of these tests to graduate. A year or two ago if students didn’t pass the test by the second time that they took it students could receive their diploma anyway. Now it is mandatory that students pass all five. I think that is very stupid because you have four years of high school that you just throw away when you don’t pass that test. I think you should be able to have a waiver and still be able to receive your diploma if you don’t pass.

If anything the “No Child Left Behind Act should help the students who are trying to graduate, and if they have all of their credits but don’t quite pass all of the graduation tests, they should still be able to receive their diploma. The “No Child Left Behind Act should be all about. Helping those who are trying to better themselves. The graduation test are given in Georgia so that they can determine which schools are meeting their standards and which schools are not.

Sunday, March 25, 2007



Monday, March 5, 2007

A Gangsters Girl

This book is about a 25 year old woman by the name of Ceazia who is a dentist and she meets one of the biggest dope dealers in town by the name of Vegas and they fall in love but before Ceazia met Vegas she was an escort but once they got serious he made her stop escorting. Her and friends has the same taste in men but she is the only one who gets a man like Vegas who has alot of money so one of her friends pulls away from her by the name of mickey and she starts to prostitute. Her other friend Tonya catches her boyfriend and her sister doing something that they have no business doing then she finds out that she might have aids, and her ister was murdered by hr estranged boyfriend and that her sister was also pregnant and the baby was HIV posistive but the baby lived.

A Gangsters Girl

This book is about a 25 year old woman by the name of Ceazia who is a dentist and she meets one of the biggest dope dealers in town by the name of Vegas and they fall in love but before Ceazia met Vegas she was an escort but once they got serious he made her stop escorting. Her and friends has the same taste in men but she is the only one who gets a man like Vegas who has alot of money so one of her friends pulls away from her by the name of mickey and she starts to prostitute. Her other friend Tonya catches her boyfriend and her sister doing something that they have no business doing then she finds out that she might have aids, and her ister was murdered by hr estranged boyfriend and that her sister was also pregnant and the baby was HIV posistive but the baby lived.

Thursday, March 1, 2007


I chose Harlem Renaissance because i think it would be a good topic to read about how most black people lived back in the day and what they had to go through to survive because i have heard alot of people talk about it.

The story sweat was about a woman name Delia who was in a very abusive relationship with her husband. One day Delia was at home washing her clothes and she ahd her back turned to the door and her husband came in and threw his whip on her shoulder and she was scared until she heard him laughing and then she looked up and asked him why did he do that because he knew she was scared of the whip and he answered her saying, "I know it scares you, but i don't care". He talks to her any kind of way. He calls her all kinds of names like an "aggravating nigger woman". He doesn't feel that his wife should be slaving her self trying to clean white peoples' clothes, but she feels if she doensn't they want have any food on their table.

Delia feels that all Sykes wants to do is argue with her so he can start a fight, she tells him her suds has put food in his belly and her swet has paid for their house and her sweat and suds is going to keep paying for the house because she is not going to stop. When Delia and sykes were first married she was a nice sweet woman but then he started beating on her and taking all of her money and going to orlando then he would come back home broke. She felt that all that was long gone and she wasn't going for it anymore she was tired and she was going to fight back. Most of the people in Delia's Neighborhood feels that she shouldn't be with syke because everybody knows how he treats her and how he makes her get out and work and talk to her like a dog. They felt that Delia was a very pretty girl before she married syke then once he started beating on her all of that changed because she just stopped caring about her apperance. Delia also had a feeling that Sykes was cheating on her and he was because on her way home one day she saw her husband and a woman name bertha going in a local grocry store and sykes thought it was funny becase he knew it hurt Delia.

One night at dinner delia told syke he is going to have to leave her house because she was tired of his stuff and she said they next time he hit her she was going to the police and all he could do was leave and threaten her but he never hit her. At the end syke was attacked by the rattlesname and he called for Delia to come and help him but she didnt.

I think this was an example of the Dissillusions becasue this woman had to go through so much with her husband from him beating her to cheating on her to him bringing a rattle snake into the house knowing she was scared of them.(The author is arguing about the american dreamin this story because she feels that Delia is not able to live the American Dream because of her controlling husband and example from the story is when Sykes says "He picked up the whip and glared down at her. Delia went on with her work. She went out into the yard and returned with a galvanized tub and set it on the washbench. She saw that Sykes had kicked all of the clothes together again, and now stood in her way truculently, his whole manner hoping, praying, for an argument. But she walked calmly around him and commenced to re-sort the things.

"Next time, Ah'm gointer kick 'em outdoors,"
I think Delia was a very brave woman because all that stuff that her husband put her through. She managed to survive and she didn't let it get to her i think that it is a American Dream because it is alot of people in America today who is going through the same thing that delia is going through maybe even worse, it is represented in the story because she is showing you that you may be mistreated by a man but don't let it get you down becasue they will reap what they sow and her husband did because he was attacked by the same snake that he brought in the house to scare her.

The first poem i read was by Langston Hughes called a dream deferred i think this peom is talking about how one time in his life he had a dream about sometihng he wanted to do but it was never accomplished, it is an example of modernism because most americans in the world today has a dream that they would like to accomplish but never do because the lack of something a direct quote from the poem is. "What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?"

in the peom called Richard Cory they was talking about theis one boy who seemed like he had everything that they could possibly wish for they thought he was a gentlemen because he used manners and he dressed so well, he was rich kind, and handsome and they wanted to be just like him but one night he committed suicide and killed hisself maybe because he had all the material things but he was missing love. An example form the story is. "And he was rich—yes, richer than a king,
And admirably schooled in every grace: 10
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place." This is an examole of dissilussion because he is showing you that everyone who is rich may not be happy.

I think the poem mending wall is talking about how he feels that good fences make good neighbors because if you have a wall between you and your neighbor then you will have privacy but the author of the poem feels that the wall is not needed because with our with out the wall in the spring time you and your neighbor will have to get togehter and rebuild the wall so i think this is a a dissillusion because he thinks it is wrong to have a wall up. "It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall "

in the peom called incident it was about a little black child who had went to visit baltimore and he/she said they saw a little boy who was just staring and him so he smiled at the boy and he stuck his tongue out and called him a nigger and through the many months that he was in Baltimore thats all that he remembers is when the boy called him a nigger. "I saw the whole of Baltimore, I think this is a example of dissillusion because he is describing how black people was being treated when he was coming up.

From May until December;
Of all the things that happened there
That's all that I remember"

in the peom negro speaks on rivers he is talking aobut how his ancestors form amny years ago did some of the first things he is trying to tell not only black people but white people also about the african anmerican culture because it was took for granted back in the days he is telling about how his people bathed in the river and how they built a pyramid and how the slaves even listened singing as abe lincoln was going to new orleans i think this is a example of the harlem renaissance because he is trying to let everyone see what went on in the past and into to the future I've known rivers:
Ancient, dusky rivers.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

Communties in Schools

The Classic City Performance Learning center has made a difference in my life because before i came to Classic City I was attending Cedar Shoals and all i was doing at Cedar Shoals was skipping class, getting sent to in school suspension or not attending school at all. My freshman year of high school, which was 2004, I thought that i could skip class and not do my work and i could catch up later. That whole school year i didn't do any of my work. I made failing grades and about the end of April I thought I could pull all my grades up to at least a 70 so I could pass my classes but I was in for a surprise Because o Couldn't. The following year, which was my sophomore year, I tried to turn things around but ended up in the same trap as before. I wasn't going to class just trying to be tough and not go to class, but the second semester of tenth grade I turned things around. I went to class everyday except for a few tardies my attendance was perfect. I stayed out of in school suspension and i did all of my work so by the end of the year I had came up with a resolution; that i would attend Classic City so i could graduate because if i stayed at Cedar Shoals I would be at risk of dropping out and not grafuating at all. The following year i applied to come to Classic City and i didn't realize then how it would make a difference in my life. When i first came to Classic City I didn't know alot of people, except for a few people from Cedar Shoals. One of my first teachers a Classic City was Dr. Maudsley and he was one of the best teachers I ervr had he used to push me to do my work which wasn't really needed because I had set a goal that I was going to come to Classic City and succeed. I wanted to graduate from high school, go to college and make something out of my life. Dr. Chauhan was one of my next teaches and in the beginning of the semester she was kind of strict, I guess because she wanted to get down to business and she wanted everybody to pass her class and thanks to her attitude, everybody did. Last but not least, Ms. Campbell, she was my third teacher at Classic City. She was nice but you had to do alot of work in her class, but i managed and I passed her class. Thanks to Classic City, at the end of first semester I had passed all of my classes and I hope that this semester goes the same as before. Classic City is a very good school because if you go to Classic City you are there for one or two reeasons, the first one is you want to graduate and the second one is you just don't want to go to Cedar Shoals or Clarke Central. I think that 90% of the kids that go to Classic City because at the other two high schools the teachers don't take the time to teach you the curriculum, they expect you to just get it the first time; but at Classic City the teachers take the time to explain the work to you. In the second semester we opened up the Even Start, which is a child care facility for the kids of students that attend Classic City; I think that is very good because now most students don't have a excuse not to come to school because we offer childcare and much much more. We also offer a Ged program which is for 8 months and after you have completed 8 months you will recieve your Ged.


This story was about a ill women who had been told sadden news that her husband had been killed in a train accident. Details that explains her actions are when she is in the room alone and she feels that someone is trying to come and attack her and she is praying to god to free her mind, body, and soul."There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.

Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been." I think the social issuse that she wants to solve is Mrs. Mallard's heart disease because int eh beginning she was talking about have she was very ill and she didn't need to be told her husband was dead because it could kill her. At the end of the story when her husband came through the door she was so shocked that he was alive she died from a heart attack of joy. I feel that she died from being happy that her husband was dead when she said free free free meaning that now that her husband was dead she was free because she felt tied down in her marriage and she couldn't do anything but once he died she was free.
I think this story was a good example of realism because most women in america today go through the same thing that the woman in the story has went through their husband is very controlling and they can't do anything in their marriage so once the husband dies they feel that they are free to do what they couldn't do while their husband was living.

In the story Frederick is talking about how he was a slave and what he had went through how he had to work in rain shine sleep and snow. He talked about how sometimes he felt like he wanted to commit suicide and kill his self and the man named covey who he had stayed with. One hot day in Aughust Frederick fell sick int he field and when his master was told he kicked and beat him untill he got up. HE then ran off into the woods to go and see his master and ask him if h e could find him somewhere else to stay because Mr. Covey was abusing him. By the time he reached his masters house he was full of blood all over and he could barely stand or walk. When he spoke to his master he told him that he would not take him out of the care of Mr.covey because he was one the best slave masters ever and if he took him away he would loose wages for the year. He told Frederick that he could stay overnight because it was late but the next morning he must go back to Mr. covey. The next day when he reached Mr. covey's house he came out the door with a rope ready to beat Frederick for running away but what he didn't know was that he was in for a good chase, Fredrick ran into the corn fields and hid and Mr. covey didn't look any furhtr because he felt that he would come back in order to get something to eat. When he ran into the woods he saw a man that he knew by the name of Sandy he asked sandy if he could go with him and get something to eat and of course he said yes, So he asked him what should he do about his sitiuation with Mr. Covey and he said he should go back but he gave him a root that he should keep in his right pocket, and Mr. covey will never whip him again. Frederick tried his look the next day when he went back to the fields when Mr. Covey came ou the door he spoke to him very kindly but after a while everything changed and Him and Mr. Covey got into a fight but after the fight Mr. Covey never raised his hand at him again. It is realism because i think that Frederick wrote this story because he wants the next generations to know what most black people had to go through when they were slaves, because some people try to keep the rough parts about slavery a secret but he told everything and he didn't keep anything back.

In both of the stories they were trying to let everybody know they real facts a bout women was going through throughout their marriages and frederick was talking about what he had to go through when he was in slavery, in both of the stories they were trying to get your attention by telling you some cruel details about what they had been through for example in the story of the ill woman "There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air".

when she was looking out the window and she said she saw sometihng coming out of the sky towards her but she didn't know what is was she was trying to disturb the reader, when fredrick says in his story that his master beat him so badly that blood rushed from his head and was matted all through his hair he was letting you know the disturbing side of slavery that few people talked about. "From the crown of my head to my feet, I was covered with blood. My hair was all clotted with dust and blood, my shirt was stiff with briers and thorns, and were also covered with blood."

I think the song by the temptation called ball of confusion is a good example of realism because they are telling you about whats been going on in society for many of years racism, teachers the only people caring about kids education, preachers the only people concerned with love and so much more.

Ball of Confusion (That's What The World Is Today)
From "Temptations Greatest Hits Volume 2",1970
Lead by Group(Eddie, Dennis, Paul, Melvin, and Otis)

People movin' out,
People movin' in.
why, because of the color of their skin
run, run, run, but you sho' can't hide

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,
vote for me and I'll set you free
rap on, brother, rap on

The only person talkin' about love thy brother is the preacher
and it seems nobody's interested in learning
but the teacher

Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration,
Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to our nation

Ball of Confusion

Oh yeah, That's what the world is today,(Group):Hey,hey

The sale of pills are at an all time high
young folks walkin' around with their heads in the sky
the cities aflame in the summertime (Eddie):And, oh

The beat goes on

Evolution, revolution, gun control, the sound of soul
shooting rockets to the moon
kids growing up too soon
politicians say more taxes will solve everything

And the band played on

So, round and around and around we go
where the world's headed, nobody knows

Oh, Great Googamooga, can't you hear me talkin' to you
just a Ball of Confusion, oh yeah
that's what the world is today, hey

Fear in the air, tension everywhere
Unemployment's rising fast,
the Beatles' new record's a gas

And the only safe place to live
is in an Indian Reservation

And the band played on

Eve of destruction, tax deduction
City inspectors, bill collectors
(Eddie and Melvin)
Mod clothes in demand
Population out of hand
Suicide, too many bills
hippies moving to the hills,
people all over the world are shouting "End the War"

And the band played on

Oh, Great Googamooga, can't you hear me talkin' to you

Just a Ball of Confusion,
that's what the world is today, hey

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Dark Romanticism

. I think that Nathaniel would be against the transdentalist because his great grandfather killed all the those people in the name of Jesus and I think he would feel that the very evil and wrong so he would disagree because with his grandfather killing all of those innocent people he would feel how could that be a act of god.

. I think that Herman Melville would be against it also because with him killing a shark, which is an endangered species, that would not be an act of god, and god would not approve of that.

. I think Edgar Allen Poe would be against the transdentalist because he proberly felt like if god was so loving and he spoke through people's mind why would he allow his father to disown him and why would his mother be taking away from him at that young age.

I am Closer to being a transdentalist because i believe in god very strongly and I feel that god speaks to people through their dreams and he sends visions to them I also feel that sometimes god speaks through people's mind, I also feel that the government is not really needed because people should be able to make their own decisions not President Bush making them for us I agree with all of the people who Believed in the Trendentalist because you should speak what you mean and not what someone else thinks, because if you do you will be misunderstood.

But to-morrow I die, and to-day I would unburthen my soul.
Edgar Allen Poe was talking about how he felt that he was going to die the next day and that today he was going to let all of his burdens go, he felt that in his life he has had to deal with alot of stuff that he would rather not talk about he felt that some people wouldn't think that the stuff he has been through was bad, but normal. His mother and father died when he was very young, John Allen and his wife Fanny Allen later adopted him. He loved pets and his parents spoiled him with pets. After a while Edgar started to mistreat his animals the only one he didn't mistreat was Pluto who was his cat. Edgar's wife felt that black cats were witches in disguise but Edgar never paid it any attention. One night when he came home drunk He brutally killed his cat because he felt that a demon had entered his body. Then one day out of nowhere another black cat appeared at Poe's house with one eye gone the same as Pluto I feel that cat's have 9 lives and that was Pluto returning to haunt poe for what he had done I do feel that a demon had entered poe's body because he once was a nice sweet man then all of a sudden he turned evil and cruel and I think he disagreed with the trandentalist because he felt that god would not of allowed him to kill Pluto in cold blood it was a act of the devil.

“While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping at the chamber door.” “ For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore nameless here for evermore.”
I think the poem was talking about how god came and knocked at his door and called Lenore's name to come and take her home I think this is anti-transdentalism because god does speak through people's mind and Poe thought that god was speaking through his mind to tell Lenore that the angels were coming to get her to take her home to be with god.

Edgar Allen Poe was born to David Poe jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins they later died when he was only 3 yrs. Old he had 1 brother & 1 sister they were both cared by other people Edgar was taken in the home of John Allan and his wife Fanny Allan. Edgar had a very uneventful childhood Edgar never really got along with john. Edgar studied for 5 years in England. In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia but studied for only 1 year because Allan refused to pay because he ran up Gambling debts. And he called off his engagement to his Richmond sweetheart so Poe decided to enroll in the army without any support. While he was in the army his Adoptive mother died, he sent a letter to his father saying this " If she had not have died while I was away there would have been nothing for me to regret your love I never valued but she I believed loved me as her own child". Edgar was soon released from the army, and he went to stay with his widowed aunt, Maria Clemm, and her daughter, Virginia in Baltimore. In 1835 Poe and his aunt and Virginia moved to Richmond and he become editor of the southern Literary and later married Virginia who was not yet 14 yrs. Old. In April of 1833 Edgar wrote to John Allan again begging for money to "save him from destruction". Allan refused to give him any help because of his attitude. On March 27,1834 John Allan died and Edgar didn't get a dime out of his will. In 1842 Virginia began to feel ill, Edgar encouraged her singing to make her a perfect musician, In January 1842 Virginia was bleeding from her mouth when she sang. She was diagnosed with early staged of tuberculosis, it hit Poe very hard, and in the spring of 1842 Poe started drinking again. In January of 1847 Virginia died and Poe continued to drink heavily and he suffered from paranoia In the summer of 1849 he was reunited with his fiancée. In October of 1849 Poe was found unconscious and taken to the hospital where he died on Sunday, October 7, 1849 and his death still remains a Mystery. Edgar Allan Poe had a tragic life because his parents died, then he was taken in the home of a man who didn't love him so he turned to alcohol and it lead him on a path of destruction.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


.The Transcendentalist were romantics who apopted philosophies from many other places and cultures.

. They believed that the individual human mind was one of the most powerful instruments in the world.

In the story Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson this story is talking about nature and what nature is, he is talking about how nature can be poetic he is also talking bout how god speaks through peoples mind for example if he is walking through the woods and he comes acoss a river and he doesn't see anyone and he can't talk so he is thinking that god would speak to him through his mind, and he also believes that nature brings him closer to god. He talks about how nature is not like man nature never has a mean apperance and how nature is poetical, he thinks that only few people see the sun and that the sun shines in the heart of a child and those who love nature. He also talks about how you can go out into nature when you are stressed and depressed, and somehow the nature will give you comfort. The direct evidence for this paragraph is when he says nature always wears the colors of the sprit.

I think this is a good example of transcendentalism because this story was talking about how nature speaks to you and when you are alone in nature god would speak to you through your mind, Ralph Waldo believed when you were alone and you couldn't see or hear anything but nature speaking to you that was considered hard work and god would approve of that because it brings you closer to god.

Self-reliance was basically talking about how you should listen to your self because everybody has a brain and they should make their own decisions, he is teling you to trust your self and don't listen to everyone else, he feels if you don't listen to your self or feel good about your self you should classify your self as the man you see on the wall (shadow). He feels you should speak what you think in hard words today and also tomorrow he feels that those who don't believe in themselves or speak what they mean they will surely be misunderstood. Direct evidence is when he says " There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the belief that envy is ignorance that imitation is suicide that he must take himself for better or for worse."
I think this is a good example of transcendentalism because he feels you should speak what you think and not what someone else thinks and thats the reason god gave all of us a brain, to think for ourselves and not for others, he feels that for those who don't speak for themselves will be misunderstood i think god wants all of us to listen to out intellectual spirits and not those of others.

He is talking about the government and what he expects out of the government, he feels that the government does not care and is not concerned with the will of others and that their will would be abused and perverted. He also feels that the Mexican war was lead on by a few individuals using the government as a excuse to carry on the war. He thinks that the American government is a tradition. He feels that with the government choosing war it is not helping the country become free or it does not educate. He believed that he didn't need the government in his life because he believed that god speaks through people's mind and he didn't need them makind decisions for him he also believed that people should make their own decisions not the government making them for them. He was against slavery he would not pay his property taxes because he felt all they were going to do with his money was invest it into slavery and he was not going for that. He went to jail for a night because he refused to pay his taxes with the war going on and all everybodies taxes was going up to help pay for the war and slavery.

I think this is a good piece of writing because he is talking about the government and how he feels about the government i agree with him for not wanting to pay his taxes or to help with the war i think he felt like it was bad for people to pay taxes to watch slavery continue he feels that the government is not needed because god will lead you and thats the only guidance that you will need, it is a good example of transcendentalism because he was a very hard worker he was a entrepreneur and he did what he thought was right in god's point of view which was not to contribute to the war and slavery but to go with what you thought was right.

I chose to talk about susan and david, i think this is a good scenario bcause susan is in a situation that she has to make a choice. She has to choose if she wants to go to college or be with david if i think she should get married to david and ask him if he would move with me where ever the school is and just start working at a local grocery store. I think that the transcendentalist would support my opinion because they thought that god speaks throught people's mind, and hard work and it is hard work because sally was in a very tough situation and she made a decision to marry and both of them would move and start a new life.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Quiet Little Girl Name Sally

The Quiet Little Girl Name Sally
Today I visited the hospital to go see a friend of mine who had just had a newborn baby girl. I went to speak to her and to see ho she was doing, and then I headed to the nursery. When I walked in I saw all kinds of colors and pictures on the walls. They had pictures of babies and toys. It smelled so good.
As soon as I walked in I saw hundreds of babies of different colors and sizes. Some of the babies were very small and some of the babies were just huge. All the babies were pretty and had on pretty clothing. I walked around the room and glanced at all the babies to see if I recognized any of the faces, but I didn’t. I asked the nurse if she could show me where Sally was, and she led me to one of the biggest and beautiful babies in the room. She had on a pink diaper with a little pink hat on her head. She was so pretty, and big She was a caramel color with long curly black hair. She looked like she weighed about ten pounds.
I reached out to pick her up, and she held her arms out to me. As soon as I picked her up, the fresh smell of baby lotion and powder evaporated into the air. She laid her head on my shoulder, and I rocked her to sleep. I felt very shocked and happy that she laid her head on me, and she didn’t even know me.
Each day I went to see Sally, and she looked the same as months ago. She was still the big curly haired baby that I had seen for the first in the nursery, (even though she had grown.) I remembered her as I saw her for the first time; the quiet little girl named Sally. Every time I go to see Sally, I always tell her the story about when I first saw her at the hospital. I tell her about all the other babies and how they looked and how she was one of the biggest babies in the entire hospital and all she does is laugh. I enjoy going to see Sally because she makes my day. She loves to play outside and ride her bike and one of her favorite things to do is watch Barney and eat fruit snacks.
Yesterday was a special day because I will be babysitting Sally for the first time. I am looking forward to babysitting her because her mother always tells me good things about Sally. She tells me how Sally is just an energetic baby and how she just loves to crawl around and play with her dolls. I think that it was a great experience to spend the whole day with Sally. Sally and me went outside and sat on the porch and watched the cars go by. After a while Sally got restless so it was time for her daily snack and nap.
to eat and then take her daily nap. I went in the kitchen to fix Sally a bottle and get her a cup of applesauce. I warmed her bottle up, and held her in my arms and watched her drink away. After she finished her bottle, I opened up the cup of applesauce and the smell of fresh apples escaped into the air. When she finished I burped her and laid her down to go to sleep. As the days went by I visited Sally. It seemed each time I saw her she was getting bigger by the day, And soon she started to crawl. Then she started making babyish sounds that sounded like her tongue was tied.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

in the next chapter fancy was leaving one of her after hour classes and as she was getting into the car a man came from behind and attacked her i think the man was her ex boyfriend byron because he said that she will never be able to leave him without a fight, the teacher was going to his car wen he saw the man attacking fancy and he went and got the man off of fancy and shot at him, the bullet hit him in his leg but the man got away.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

In the next chapter Fancy started her real estate classes and when she went to the classes the teacher was asking questions and he called on her and she didn't answer it correctly and the other students in the class started making fun of her and she said that they may be making fun of her now but when she passes the test the first time and not have to repeat the class and get her business license they won't be laughing then.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

American Romanticism

American Romanticism

The legend of sleepy hollow was mainly about a man who was telling a story about sleepy hollow where he lived and how things were. He was talking about the people who lived around him and the things that he saw daily he talked about the schools and how the schools looked, he also talked about the way that sleepy hollow treated people and how he felt about people he talked about when he was in school sleepy hollow used to stay after school and play with the larger boys and sometimes he would walk the younger boys home who had a older sister around his age. He also taught some of the children in his neighborhood and he stayed weeks at a time teaching them what he already knew, sleepy hollow assisted farmers in work that wasn’t to hard, He also song a lot he was the singing master of his neighborhood he gave some of the children in the neighborhood singing lessons. He was also a gossiper he carried local gossip from house to house. I feel that he was a good man overall but he was also a pretender he wanted people to think he was something that he really was not he tried to make the women think he was smart which he was but he wanted them to think more of him so he tried to teach the local children to make a name for his self I think he took it to far he should of did it out the goodness of his heart and not to get a woman’s attention.

Ichabod Crane tried to get in good with the mothers of young children by petting them with toys and taking them out and just trying to play a role of a family man this is romantic because most women likes a man who accepts their children, and who gets along well with her children and if the children likes the man thats a 100 for the man because 9 times out of ten the man will get a chance because the woman thinks he is a family man.

I think Ichabod Crane tried to be a schoolmaster because he thought that would get him girls, he tried to teach the younger children in his neighborhood who had older sisters and he also tried to teach them singing lessons.

This story is romantic because Ichabod Crane wants you to imagine that you are in the city he wants you to believe that the city is romantic, this story is a horror story because this horse runs around chasing people and he is headless but the rationalist believe that it is not humanly possible to do that because they only believe in scientific things, sleepy hollow is a town that has a lot of roots. You have to imagine that you are there to understand the things that he is talking about like the headless horse or when he is talking bout nature its all about you imagination.

This poem is about a boy name William Cullen Bryan who is 17 yrs. Old he describes Mother Nature and how he feels about it he describes death as if he had died before. The poem is saying that no matter who you are or how much money that you have we all will die the same way and become food and nutrients to the outdoors. It’s saying that you shouldn’t worry about death because everybody will die one day and when you do worry about death mother nature will talk to you, and when you are sad and depressed it will come quicker, the nature adapts to all the moods that you are in for ex: if its sunny outside you will be happy, but if its raining outside you will be sad and depressed.

This poem is about a man working at a rope factory and he is imagining how many different thing ropes can be used for. The first thing is when he talks about he’s talking about making a swing, then he talks about a woman on a farm getting water out of a well using rope. Next is a old man using rope to ring the bells to let everybody know its time to come in, last is a schoolboy flying his kite.

I think this picture is considered romanticism because u have to visualize the picture just imagine you were there and think how would the sky look, and how would the grass look and how would it feel to be in a place of war I said war because it looks like there is a fire in the sky.

I think this is a good picture of romanticism because you have to imagine the things that you see and just imagine that you were there.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

In the next chapter fancy was starting to go to her real estate classes so she could own her own business and on her way to her class one day she saw this homeless woman sitting on a bench outside of a ice cream palor and the lady told fancy tat she was going to fall in love with a boy who names starts with a D and that would be darius she said that fancy would be so deep in love with him tat she would take a bullet for him and that she needed to go to anger management classes and get on good terms with her mom and dad because her life was dependent on it.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Rationalists

The Rationalists and the puritains were diffrerent in many ways as the puritain thought that God controlled everything the rationalists thought that Science and their rules controlled everything for ex: in todays time most people think that they could use their brains to figure everything out because they thought that science controlled the world and that is all needed in the world to figure out things, and the purtains believed that god did everything for a reason and that it should not be questioned what god did.
In the autobiography of ben franklin he is writing to his son telling him about all the things he has did in his life and how he has turined his life around for the sake of hisself and his child ben franklin is a example of a rationalist because he thinks that he can make a mathamatical day into a day chart. the thirteen virtues are temprance,silence,order,resolution,fragality,sincerity,justice, moderation,cleaniness,tranquillity,humility.

If i could make my life better by making a list of thirteen virtues it would be to stay organized,focused, to be on time for school, be present for class everyday,get all of my work done, make a's and b's, stay away from people that are bad influences, graduate from high school, go to college, help those who need help, keep a job. i think that all thirteen of these virtues will make my life better because all of these steps are needed in daily life just to have a stable and good life.

Three examples of Reationalist from the declaration of independence are: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. this means that all men are created equal and all men have the same rights and it they cannot be taken away, they have a right to have a life and the pursuit of happiness, it means that every human being has a right to a good life, and its saying that the government and nobody else has a right to take it away because its the right of humans.
Second one is
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, meaning that once the governement trys to take away human rights it is our right to put the government to an end and set up a new one.

Third one is
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Meaning that once people start abusing people and taking advantage of people it is a our right as a human being to treminate them and find somebody better.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

In the next chapter they Fancy and darius are going to go on a date because fancy is feeling down because her and byron are not on good terms, and darius us feeling down because is brother died so they are going to go to the movies to dinner then off to watch the sunrise darius thinks he will get fancy to be intimate with him after he spends all of his money on her but thats not so. Darius is running out of money because his ex girlfriend burned down his law firm and his parents said he can no longer work for them so he has to find a new job and a new girl with money because he likes to be known as a BALLER!

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina
On August 29, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana at about 5:00 in the morning, heavy rainfall fell across the city, And the unexpected happened. Most of the levees in New Orleans broke and the rain flooded the city. Most of the people were asleep around the time that the city flooded. Some were up and trying to evacuate the day before the governor of Louisiana made a public appearance on a local news station, and told the people of New Orleans that they should evacuate because the city was expected to flood the next day, Many people didn’t believe it, so they stayed in the city. When the city flooded, the governor (Roy Naggin) and President Bush tried to evacuate people too different cites because not many people were likely to survive.
President Bush and Governor Roy Nagin did little to help the people of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas because president Bush knew about the hurricane weeks before it happened and he could have demanded evacuation. Thousands of people in the state of Louisiana lost their lives because the president and the governor were careless, Meaning they didn’t do enough to help the people of Louisiana The Governor and the president knew about the hurricane weeks before it was supposed to take place but still did nothing to try and help the people.

The president and the governor called FEMA to help the people of Louisiana but little was done. The people still had to wait days for food, water and dry clothes to be delivered to them even after FEMA had been called constantly because they were not responding quick enough. Most of the people were looking for their family members who had been lost and scattered throughout the city. People from other states and cities tried to help. They brought busloads of food, water, clothes, hygiene supplies and much more but was stopped at the bridge because the police department of Louisiana said no one could past the gate even if they were looking for their family members.
The people of New Orleans were scattered throughout the United States by the President and the Governor. The majority of the people were sent to Georgia and Texas after the storm. When people chose where they wanted to go they chose Georgia and Texas. The lower 9th Ward in New Orleans, where most of the people lived was completely destroyed and flooded. When the people came to Georgia, they felt they didn’t have anything to live for because the government wasn’t trying to help them and neither was the President. They were not thinking about their actions, or what happened to them.
On August 29,2006 a year after Katrina when we revisit New Orleans some things have been rebuilt but many things look the same as a year ago. The richer side of New Orleans (thanks to the help of Oprah Winfrey) has been rebuilt but some people believe that she should of paid more attention to the poorer side than the richer side, but the poorer side of New Orleans looks the same before. Nothing has been bothered to be rebuilt. People are still living in hotels and FEMA trailers wondering where they will be laying their head in the future.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

In chapter two in to book it is about how this boy name darius trys to talk to a lady name fancy who also goes with darius's friend byron and fancy says that she doesn't want to talk to darius because she heare dhe is a player and because she just met him the only reason that darius wants to talk to fancy is for his benefit only he just wants to use her for her body and fancy is a gold digger so fancy breaks up with byron in order to start talking to darius because darius owns his own business and she is after his money.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thugs and the women that love them the most pg. 1-100

Thugs and the women that love them the most is a bestseller book, the book is about three women by the name of Jaz,Kyra and Angel each of those women has there preference of men and thugs has to be the one that they choose, each of them has one or more things in common each of them is trying to leave the ghetto and the lying pimping thugs that they are dating but each one of them are living double lives they tell each other that they aren't messing with the men anymore but come to find out they are because all of them are freinds they men and the women each of them has good jobs and they have had their share of good men but they would rather be with a thug for the rest of their life because thats all that they are used to and they don't know differently.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


The Puritans belived in god very strongly they believed just like adam and eve everybody is born in the world sinful, they also believed god saves some people but only a few are selected for salvation,they believed jesus died for some but i believe he died for all not for some.The Puritans was people who believed in certain religious ways they had their own belief in what god was and what god could do they thought that their beliefs was the only beliefs and that they were right. I think the purtains were people who was afraid of god so they wanted everybody else to feel that god was a angry god, i think most of their beliefs were wrong because god died for all sins not for some they believed in a certain religion about god and though that if he believed that everybody should believe what they thought because they were always right.

The Puritain text were written like they once knew god and he told them all of these things that are written in their text for ex:
The belief that God's intentions are present in human action and in natural phenomenon. Failure to understand these intentions are human limitations. I think the Puritains lived their lives trying to tell people who jesus was and what jesus did they also believed that god was amyserious god because he was separate from the world, they thought that god should be made more known to the universe because he is not getting enough credit for his actions and that evrybody should glorify god because he is over all people. Johnathan Edwards a minister was the first to preach the sermon of "Sinners hands of an angry god" because of the presentation most of the audience was left crying he had to ask the audience to quiet down so he could finish his sermon because it was and outroar about what he was preaching about.

Three examples of sinners in the hands of an angry god are, perseverance, limited atonement, and unconditional election.The Puritans wrote in plain style which means they didn't care how you took it or how it made you feel they just spoke their minds, the puritans tried to scare majority of the people by telling them that once they died everybody was gonna go to hell because god was a angry god.

Total Depravity- -
"Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the fast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof, again to set their feet on the firm and stable earth, their proper element".through Adam and Eve's fall, every person is born sinful - concept of Original Sin. this senteance means that once you are born into the world u haven't committed any sins.

Unconditional Election-God "saves" those he wishes - only a few are selected for salvation.
"The manifold and continual experience of the world in all ages, shows this is no evidence, that a man is not on the very brink of eternity, and that the next step will not be into another world." it means that god saves some not all but that is not true because if you are willng to give your life to the lord then he will accept it.

Limited Atonement-
"It is no security to wicked men for one moment, that there are no visible means of death at hand. It is no security to a natural man, that he is now in health, and that he does not see which way he should now immediately go out of the world by any accident, and that there is no visible danger in any respect in his circumstances" Jesus died for the chosen only, not for everyone
that is not true because jesus died for everybody' sins not just for some.

Plain style text is text that the puritains wrote in meaning that they said things to meake you afraid of god and they didn't care how you took it or how it made you feel it means that they didn't want you to get any pleasure out of reading what tehy wrote they just wanted you to think god, was a angry god. The puritains believed that whatever they said was right they believed in one religion and that everybody else should believe in that religion to or they wouldn't be accepted by god.