Thursday, March 1, 2007


This story was about a ill women who had been told sadden news that her husband had been killed in a train accident. Details that explains her actions are when she is in the room alone and she feels that someone is trying to come and attack her and she is praying to god to free her mind, body, and soul."There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.

Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been." I think the social issuse that she wants to solve is Mrs. Mallard's heart disease because int eh beginning she was talking about have she was very ill and she didn't need to be told her husband was dead because it could kill her. At the end of the story when her husband came through the door she was so shocked that he was alive she died from a heart attack of joy. I feel that she died from being happy that her husband was dead when she said free free free meaning that now that her husband was dead she was free because she felt tied down in her marriage and she couldn't do anything but once he died she was free.
I think this story was a good example of realism because most women in america today go through the same thing that the woman in the story has went through their husband is very controlling and they can't do anything in their marriage so once the husband dies they feel that they are free to do what they couldn't do while their husband was living.

In the story Frederick is talking about how he was a slave and what he had went through how he had to work in rain shine sleep and snow. He talked about how sometimes he felt like he wanted to commit suicide and kill his self and the man named covey who he had stayed with. One hot day in Aughust Frederick fell sick int he field and when his master was told he kicked and beat him untill he got up. HE then ran off into the woods to go and see his master and ask him if h e could find him somewhere else to stay because Mr. Covey was abusing him. By the time he reached his masters house he was full of blood all over and he could barely stand or walk. When he spoke to his master he told him that he would not take him out of the care of Mr.covey because he was one the best slave masters ever and if he took him away he would loose wages for the year. He told Frederick that he could stay overnight because it was late but the next morning he must go back to Mr. covey. The next day when he reached Mr. covey's house he came out the door with a rope ready to beat Frederick for running away but what he didn't know was that he was in for a good chase, Fredrick ran into the corn fields and hid and Mr. covey didn't look any furhtr because he felt that he would come back in order to get something to eat. When he ran into the woods he saw a man that he knew by the name of Sandy he asked sandy if he could go with him and get something to eat and of course he said yes, So he asked him what should he do about his sitiuation with Mr. Covey and he said he should go back but he gave him a root that he should keep in his right pocket, and Mr. covey will never whip him again. Frederick tried his look the next day when he went back to the fields when Mr. Covey came ou the door he spoke to him very kindly but after a while everything changed and Him and Mr. Covey got into a fight but after the fight Mr. Covey never raised his hand at him again. It is realism because i think that Frederick wrote this story because he wants the next generations to know what most black people had to go through when they were slaves, because some people try to keep the rough parts about slavery a secret but he told everything and he didn't keep anything back.

In both of the stories they were trying to let everybody know they real facts a bout women was going through throughout their marriages and frederick was talking about what he had to go through when he was in slavery, in both of the stories they were trying to get your attention by telling you some cruel details about what they had been through for example in the story of the ill woman "There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air".

when she was looking out the window and she said she saw sometihng coming out of the sky towards her but she didn't know what is was she was trying to disturb the reader, when fredrick says in his story that his master beat him so badly that blood rushed from his head and was matted all through his hair he was letting you know the disturbing side of slavery that few people talked about. "From the crown of my head to my feet, I was covered with blood. My hair was all clotted with dust and blood, my shirt was stiff with briers and thorns, and were also covered with blood."

I think the song by the temptation called ball of confusion is a good example of realism because they are telling you about whats been going on in society for many of years racism, teachers the only people caring about kids education, preachers the only people concerned with love and so much more.

Ball of Confusion (That's What The World Is Today)
From "Temptations Greatest Hits Volume 2",1970
Lead by Group(Eddie, Dennis, Paul, Melvin, and Otis)

People movin' out,
People movin' in.
why, because of the color of their skin
run, run, run, but you sho' can't hide

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,
vote for me and I'll set you free
rap on, brother, rap on

The only person talkin' about love thy brother is the preacher
and it seems nobody's interested in learning
but the teacher

Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration,
Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to our nation

Ball of Confusion

Oh yeah, That's what the world is today,(Group):Hey,hey

The sale of pills are at an all time high
young folks walkin' around with their heads in the sky
the cities aflame in the summertime (Eddie):And, oh

The beat goes on

Evolution, revolution, gun control, the sound of soul
shooting rockets to the moon
kids growing up too soon
politicians say more taxes will solve everything

And the band played on

So, round and around and around we go
where the world's headed, nobody knows

Oh, Great Googamooga, can't you hear me talkin' to you
just a Ball of Confusion, oh yeah
that's what the world is today, hey

Fear in the air, tension everywhere
Unemployment's rising fast,
the Beatles' new record's a gas

And the only safe place to live
is in an Indian Reservation

And the band played on

Eve of destruction, tax deduction
City inspectors, bill collectors
(Eddie and Melvin)
Mod clothes in demand
Population out of hand
Suicide, too many bills
hippies moving to the hills,
people all over the world are shouting "End the War"

And the band played on

Oh, Great Googamooga, can't you hear me talkin' to you

Just a Ball of Confusion,
that's what the world is today, hey

1 comment:

D a n a said...

You need to point out how these examples prove the two stories are good examples of Realism. I would cot the quotes down a little, and use that space to explain how these two stories fit the two qualities of Realism I explain on my post.