Thursday, March 1, 2007


I chose Harlem Renaissance because i think it would be a good topic to read about how most black people lived back in the day and what they had to go through to survive because i have heard alot of people talk about it.

The story sweat was about a woman name Delia who was in a very abusive relationship with her husband. One day Delia was at home washing her clothes and she ahd her back turned to the door and her husband came in and threw his whip on her shoulder and she was scared until she heard him laughing and then she looked up and asked him why did he do that because he knew she was scared of the whip and he answered her saying, "I know it scares you, but i don't care". He talks to her any kind of way. He calls her all kinds of names like an "aggravating nigger woman". He doesn't feel that his wife should be slaving her self trying to clean white peoples' clothes, but she feels if she doensn't they want have any food on their table.

Delia feels that all Sykes wants to do is argue with her so he can start a fight, she tells him her suds has put food in his belly and her swet has paid for their house and her sweat and suds is going to keep paying for the house because she is not going to stop. When Delia and sykes were first married she was a nice sweet woman but then he started beating on her and taking all of her money and going to orlando then he would come back home broke. She felt that all that was long gone and she wasn't going for it anymore she was tired and she was going to fight back. Most of the people in Delia's Neighborhood feels that she shouldn't be with syke because everybody knows how he treats her and how he makes her get out and work and talk to her like a dog. They felt that Delia was a very pretty girl before she married syke then once he started beating on her all of that changed because she just stopped caring about her apperance. Delia also had a feeling that Sykes was cheating on her and he was because on her way home one day she saw her husband and a woman name bertha going in a local grocry store and sykes thought it was funny becase he knew it hurt Delia.

One night at dinner delia told syke he is going to have to leave her house because she was tired of his stuff and she said they next time he hit her she was going to the police and all he could do was leave and threaten her but he never hit her. At the end syke was attacked by the rattlesname and he called for Delia to come and help him but she didnt.

I think this was an example of the Dissillusions becasue this woman had to go through so much with her husband from him beating her to cheating on her to him bringing a rattle snake into the house knowing she was scared of them.(The author is arguing about the american dreamin this story because she feels that Delia is not able to live the American Dream because of her controlling husband and example from the story is when Sykes says "He picked up the whip and glared down at her. Delia went on with her work. She went out into the yard and returned with a galvanized tub and set it on the washbench. She saw that Sykes had kicked all of the clothes together again, and now stood in her way truculently, his whole manner hoping, praying, for an argument. But she walked calmly around him and commenced to re-sort the things.

"Next time, Ah'm gointer kick 'em outdoors,"
I think Delia was a very brave woman because all that stuff that her husband put her through. She managed to survive and she didn't let it get to her i think that it is a American Dream because it is alot of people in America today who is going through the same thing that delia is going through maybe even worse, it is represented in the story because she is showing you that you may be mistreated by a man but don't let it get you down becasue they will reap what they sow and her husband did because he was attacked by the same snake that he brought in the house to scare her.

The first poem i read was by Langston Hughes called a dream deferred i think this peom is talking about how one time in his life he had a dream about sometihng he wanted to do but it was never accomplished, it is an example of modernism because most americans in the world today has a dream that they would like to accomplish but never do because the lack of something a direct quote from the poem is. "What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?"

in the peom called Richard Cory they was talking about theis one boy who seemed like he had everything that they could possibly wish for they thought he was a gentlemen because he used manners and he dressed so well, he was rich kind, and handsome and they wanted to be just like him but one night he committed suicide and killed hisself maybe because he had all the material things but he was missing love. An example form the story is. "And he was rich—yes, richer than a king,
And admirably schooled in every grace: 10
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place." This is an examole of dissilussion because he is showing you that everyone who is rich may not be happy.

I think the poem mending wall is talking about how he feels that good fences make good neighbors because if you have a wall between you and your neighbor then you will have privacy but the author of the poem feels that the wall is not needed because with our with out the wall in the spring time you and your neighbor will have to get togehter and rebuild the wall so i think this is a a dissillusion because he thinks it is wrong to have a wall up. "It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall "

in the peom called incident it was about a little black child who had went to visit baltimore and he/she said they saw a little boy who was just staring and him so he smiled at the boy and he stuck his tongue out and called him a nigger and through the many months that he was in Baltimore thats all that he remembers is when the boy called him a nigger. "I saw the whole of Baltimore, I think this is a example of dissillusion because he is describing how black people was being treated when he was coming up.

From May until December;
Of all the things that happened there
That's all that I remember"

in the peom negro speaks on rivers he is talking aobut how his ancestors form amny years ago did some of the first things he is trying to tell not only black people but white people also about the african anmerican culture because it was took for granted back in the days he is telling about how his people bathed in the river and how they built a pyramid and how the slaves even listened singing as abe lincoln was going to new orleans i think this is a example of the harlem renaissance because he is trying to let everyone see what went on in the past and into to the future I've known rivers:
Ancient, dusky rivers.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

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