Sunday, April 20, 2008

mentor log 3:00-11:00

On friday i had a ride along with officer jeff mcfadden of the athends clarke county police department when i first arrived i sat in on briefing then we started the shift the first stop that we made was tot he kroger shopping center because a man was sick and could nt get out of his car so we went and treid to see what was wrong witht he man and he said he had just had back surgery and was out for a stroll so we called the ambulance because he was out of his miond they came then they advised the officer to take him home. after that we had to go back tot he station for a car inspection they we wre called out to clarke garden where a boy was riding a four wheeler but the officer told his parents just don't let him do it agian after that we just rode around waiting to be dispatched on another call then it was said over the radio that they needed a officer to come and get this lady off of north avenue that was drunk off of mouth wash. so we then went to cedar creek where some black males were seen alking around and looked suspicious we went out there but didn't see anyone so at 7:00 me officer mcfadden and some other polices went todinner at blind pig and of course i got a discount then at 9 they went and walked in clarke gardens apartments after that we went to whitehall rd where some kids were throwing rocks in the pool and needed to be barred because they were also breaking inc ars and our last stop was to the skaiting ring where some girls were being unruly and would not leave.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Step 4

I think that the autobiography of malcom x is needed in literature class because i feel that a class should read this book as a group in black history month because all of the stuff that malcom x is talking about in his book is very important and is needed to be told to all races not just black and white i feel in the beginning and middle of the book malcom x was a little racist because he was just going off of what he had experienced and saw then later on in the book when he had some encounters with some white people who were not racist he saw that all people are not the smae regardless of the kin of the perosn i feel malcom x was a very outspoken man and he did do soem good in our country some people feel malcom x was against dr. king but thats not true they were both figihting for two totally different things. the importance of this novel was to let people know what really went on back in the day how the whites treated the african americans and malcom didn't knind anything he told you everything he possibly could of told you another thing that is importnat about thtis book is that you can fall and easily get back up meaning malcomhad went to using drugs then once he got locked up he changed for the better and made something out of himself so you can do wrong one day then do right the next malcom x also showed young black ment hat they can make something out of them selves regardless of what people tell you. I feel that this book was one of the best books i have ever read because i din't really understand the importance and truth of malcom x's life until i read this book and took the time to understand it.

Step 3

I really couldn't find anything other than what i already have on malcom x sense it was a autobiography telling you all that was needed to know about the life and adventures of malcom x.

malcom x chapter 17-19

in the last couple of chapters malcom goes to saudi arabia where he meets whit people that do not beleive in racisma nd malcom then sees that all white people are not cruel and mean so he writes a letter back home telling his family and he also goes through the process pf changing his name. So when malcom returns home the press wants to quesiton him about his trip figuring malcom would have something negative to say but when malcom speaks only good tings about the people the press does not publish his story and that frustrates malcom. In 1965 malcom holds a meeting trying to unify all blacks all religions were welcome but whites were unable to join because malcom felt that the whites should try to get their people right first before joining with the blacks to try and change racism.

Friday, April 11, 2008

April 11 mentor log 1:30- 2:30

Today i met with my mentor once again but it was also a slow day today because we have been over all the bascs and all the ins and outs of being a detective so i know all their is to know at this point today i met a man by the name of jeff who wroks for the district attorney's office and me and detective saulters went over the process of the court system how the things are prepared and how they deleiver them to the court to get the jury to beleive them we also went over the witness protection program and how the program works we also went over what i will do when i ride along with a patrol officer on this friday. Detective saulters anfd jeff went over something concerning a man that they were looking for and how they would find him because he was wanted on a rape charge and he needed to be caught before time was up, they also mentioned that they had to do it secretly because the person knew that they were looking for him, when we went over the witness protection program it was said that when you are in the witness protection program you are giving a whole new identity and you are moved out of the state that you were living i and you start your life all over some of the people that are in the witness protection program their families feel that they are mssing because you cannot have any contact with your family memebers but it was said that they do break the laws and some people comes back tot heir normal life.

malcom x chaper 14- 16

In the next chapter malcom starts this newspaper especially for muslims and then this man byt he name of eric writes a book about black muslims in america nd malcom is very upset about it because of all the publicity it is getitng so malcom trys to defend ellijah on a panel. Malcom then travels to africa and differnt countries speaking to the people and malcom is very rude to other african americans in these countries calling them uncle toms ans other crucial names but ellijah tries and tell him to keep it at a extent but then he starts to let malcom speak publicly about his feelings on blacks and they started hosting rallies that white people were not allowed in and the police and fbi started tapping all of the conversations. In chapter 15 malcom tires to take over the nation of islam because ellijah is getting older so they bought him a house in arizona and malcom started making decisions without his approval like speaking at universities and ellijah became very upset of that and disapproved of it and malocm tired to stop making so many bad decisions so ellijah wouldn't be mad at him. In the next chapter john f. kennedy is murdered and ellijah ordered that no minister should speak on the death of kennedy but once again malcom dis obeys he says that the murder was justifiable homicide so ellijah silences malcom for 90 days and malcom felt betrayed because he felt ellijah did that because people were taking him to court and he was trying to save hisself so malcom hears that their is a warrant out for his death and he is told to stay away from the nation of islam so he gets some money and moves.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

mentor log 1:00-3:00

On my visit with detective sauters today we just continued going over a murder case that we had started lastweek once finishing that we went over some other stuff... concerning becoming a homicide detective and i also filled out my ride along paper so i would be able to ride along today was a very short day because all we did was finish up the case that we were reviewing. Duyring the friday along i will ride witha patrol officer through the eastside of town and see what a day is like with a police oofficer also during the day whatever the police does to someone i will see them so it won't be a secret because soem police officers stop people for fun because thety think scaring people is cute. Also when meeeting with detective saulters we will occasionally go over the law handbook and he will show me things that the book allows the law to do because it sis aid that if the law book does not have it in it then you cannot perorm those acts so some people feel its not fair when the police does certain things but what they do not know is that the police cannot do what they don't have the authorization to do from t he law handbook

malcom x chapter 10- 13

in chapter ten when malcom is in prison he is having withdrawals from no drug se and he has avery qucik temper so he is placed in the hole because he cannot behave hisself, while in jail he meets tis man by the name of bimbi and malcom befriends him bimbi is a man who has a very strong voice and beleives richly in religion so he talks with malcom and malcom then stops being so violent and starts using the prison library as a place to go and calm his nerves. malcom's brother reginald starts telling him about the nation of islam and then malcom says he thinks that becoming a muslim will help him get off of liquor and drugs so he stops eating pork. Malcom starts ti think of how all the white people he have every became in contact with have tries to harm him so then he turns to becoming a islam. in the next chapter he starts to broaden his vocabulary by staying up all night in his cell reading the dictionary soon he starts to read about africa and the people, he then starts to do public speaking and each time he speaks he always bring up the fact of racism he is trying to make all people know how the whites are really are. One night in a dream ellijah comes and tell malcom that is brother has been suspended for sleeping with the secretary. So then Malcom starts to disown his brother and family and starts coming closer to the religion and with malcom doing this his brother goes insane malcom beleives that his brother went insane because that was the muslim god trying to punish him for his actions. In chapter 12 malcom is relased from prison and he moves with his borther wilfred but wilfred does not feel comfortable living with malcom because he is tring to make his household muslim so ellijah comes to town and malcom meets him and during their meeting ellijah tells malcom to try and convery younger children to muslim. After a couple months of going to the temple Malcom changes his at name to X because his name would of been X if his ancestors had not been kidnapped from Africa he is later appointed to become assistant minister at the temple. In the next chapter malcom trys to get shorty to convert but he will not because he says that he loves white woman and pork to much but malcom also finds out that sammy the pimp has died and the west indian man is dying. Malcom then meets this woman named betty who starts going to the temple and they get married and have 5 children then later on in 1958 his siter converts to islam.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

malcom x chapters 6-9

in chapter six malcom moves into this boarding house that is ran by prostitutes and every now and then his old friend sophia stops by to see him and sophia did not like the fac tthat malcom was living in a whore house but he told her that she should sit down and try to get to know some of the girls instead of judging her them so sophia befirends one of the girls and they get close so once sophia return home she marries this white men and writes malcom to let him know that she has gotten married and malcom is very shocked so he asks his friend what he thinks about the whole situation and his friend said that a white woman either is with a man because of his looks or the money so don't trust them. in the next chaoter malcom returns to boston to visit shorty, shorty is trying is trying to ge this band off the ground and he happens to run across sophia but their encounter is not how it used to be because of what is going on in world war 2, when malcom was int he army he told the psychitrist that he was going to lead a black gang that would murder whites so he was discharged from the army then he started to use harder drugs and begin to rob people when his brother reginald moved with him he got him a job doing the same thing he was doing. In chapter 8 it seems if malcom is just completly out of control he is using drugs now more then ever and he is also doing illegal jobs like transporting betting slips. transporting liquor and a variety of toher things he also worked for this madam who is something like a pimp malcom will steer whit emen to a eluded place where they can have their sexual fantasies performed as malcom starts using drugs ona daily babsis he also plays numbers on a daily basis with a west indian man and little did malcom know was that the man would come back to kill him when he thought malcom had earned some of his money so when malcom runs into the man he does not shoot malcom he just scares him up and the same day malcom pushes a drug dealer in the face and soon after both the west indian and the drug dealer are looking for malcom to kill him. Shorty thens come and resques malcom and takes him back to boston wehn malcom meets his sister ellen againshe cannot beleive her eyes and ears because she was not used to seeing malcom behave that way cursing all the time an dressing like a street dude so malcom tries to stop using drugs but it didn't work he soon started using them again..... so him and sophia started back talking and they came up with a burgary ring sophia and her sister would gho to white neighborhoods acting as if they were salespeople and scope out the house and malcom and shorty would come back later and rob them... but a couple days after sophia and her husbnd set malcom up to get caught.