Monday, March 31, 2008

Mentor log

March 28, 2008
4:00- 6:15

On the second day of me meeting with my mentor i met some of the other detectives that work robbery homicide. Captain Holeman Actually came in and sat and me him and detective sauters went over the police law book so i could get some meanings of some of the crimes committed in georgia. I also looked at a couple photos that i cannot describe because they were very graphic and traumitizing it got to the point when detective sauters said i think you should work sex crimes because i don't think you could handle this but i told him its my dream to become a homicide detectove so thats what i'm going to do. We also did some case reviews of some cases at have been solved and closed and he showed me the ins and outs of how a investigation works during a murder case their are binders and binders of information that are gathered. Also when working as a detective you are required to attend the autopy's of your victims and during the autospy's some preety nasty stuff occurs but over all its worth it one od the sayings in homicide is their is no greater honor here on earth regardless of skin color creed or race then finding the killer of another human being and thats the duty of the homicide investigator. The definition of a investigation is to find out the truth. With me also working with detective sauters i will be able to do a ride along with him ont he westside of athens later on in the mentorship.

Mentor log

March 26,2008
3:00- 5:00

I met with my mentor detective Sauters for the first time he is a detective at the clarke county police department in the unit robbery/homicide he is a Sargent detective. On this day i met all the people in the criminal investigations unit including Captain Clarence Holeman one of Athens very known Police officers i also met the assistant cheif he was very nice and laid back. During my 2 hours their we went over the in and outs of being a homicide detective and what is needed and how much time would need to be on the streets in order to become a detective the interesting thing about becoming a detective is that it is known to be a male dominant field and most women are not interested in stuff like that so when a woman applies to become a police if hired she will only need to spen 3- 6 months on the streets then she will be promoted to criminal investigations. I alsom met with Kim johnson she is used to be a homicide investigator but no longer works as one but she still works in criminal investigations. I also applied for a job as a dispatcher working during the summer to get some time under my belt so when i do apply for the job i will have some previous experience. The first day we just talked about my career goals and he told me about his job.

Monday, March 3, 2008

malcom x

in this next chapter malcom starts working as the dishwasher on a traint hat goes to new york and different places and when he was in new york he didn't know how to act because he was so wild because he wasn't used to being that far from home and some other people on the train told him he should go and explore the town so when he was exploring the town he noticed that the black people in new york was very respectful about how they act even wehn they were drinking this being said because when he was at a bar he noticed that the blacks were not loud and out of control they just drunk their drinks and didn't bother anybody, th en malcom started going to the bar everynight and drinking and going to work drunk so the customers started complaining about how malcom was very disrespectful to them and no night it was this white soldier ont he train who was drunka nd he had got up in malcom's face and said that he wanted to fight him but malcom said you got on to many clothes to fight me so the man removed his coat and malcom kept telling him to keep taking off his clothes until he was naked so the customers had wrote a letter complaining about malcoms actions and he was fired.