Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Dark Romanticism

. I think that Nathaniel would be against the transdentalist because his great grandfather killed all the those people in the name of Jesus and I think he would feel that the very evil and wrong so he would disagree because with his grandfather killing all of those innocent people he would feel how could that be a act of god.

. I think that Herman Melville would be against it also because with him killing a shark, which is an endangered species, that would not be an act of god, and god would not approve of that.

. I think Edgar Allen Poe would be against the transdentalist because he proberly felt like if god was so loving and he spoke through people's mind why would he allow his father to disown him and why would his mother be taking away from him at that young age.

I am Closer to being a transdentalist because i believe in god very strongly and I feel that god speaks to people through their dreams and he sends visions to them I also feel that sometimes god speaks through people's mind, I also feel that the government is not really needed because people should be able to make their own decisions not President Bush making them for us I agree with all of the people who Believed in the Trendentalist because you should speak what you mean and not what someone else thinks, because if you do you will be misunderstood.

But to-morrow I die, and to-day I would unburthen my soul.
Edgar Allen Poe was talking about how he felt that he was going to die the next day and that today he was going to let all of his burdens go, he felt that in his life he has had to deal with alot of stuff that he would rather not talk about he felt that some people wouldn't think that the stuff he has been through was bad, but normal. His mother and father died when he was very young, John Allen and his wife Fanny Allen later adopted him. He loved pets and his parents spoiled him with pets. After a while Edgar started to mistreat his animals the only one he didn't mistreat was Pluto who was his cat. Edgar's wife felt that black cats were witches in disguise but Edgar never paid it any attention. One night when he came home drunk He brutally killed his cat because he felt that a demon had entered his body. Then one day out of nowhere another black cat appeared at Poe's house with one eye gone the same as Pluto I feel that cat's have 9 lives and that was Pluto returning to haunt poe for what he had done I do feel that a demon had entered poe's body because he once was a nice sweet man then all of a sudden he turned evil and cruel and I think he disagreed with the trandentalist because he felt that god would not of allowed him to kill Pluto in cold blood it was a act of the devil.

“While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping at the chamber door.” “ For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore nameless here for evermore.”
I think the poem was talking about how god came and knocked at his door and called Lenore's name to come and take her home I think this is anti-transdentalism because god does speak through people's mind and Poe thought that god was speaking through his mind to tell Lenore that the angels were coming to get her to take her home to be with god.

Edgar Allen Poe was born to David Poe jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins they later died when he was only 3 yrs. Old he had 1 brother & 1 sister they were both cared by other people Edgar was taken in the home of John Allan and his wife Fanny Allan. Edgar had a very uneventful childhood Edgar never really got along with john. Edgar studied for 5 years in England. In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia but studied for only 1 year because Allan refused to pay because he ran up Gambling debts. And he called off his engagement to his Richmond sweetheart so Poe decided to enroll in the army without any support. While he was in the army his Adoptive mother died, he sent a letter to his father saying this " If she had not have died while I was away there would have been nothing for me to regret your love I never valued but she I believed loved me as her own child". Edgar was soon released from the army, and he went to stay with his widowed aunt, Maria Clemm, and her daughter, Virginia in Baltimore. In 1835 Poe and his aunt and Virginia moved to Richmond and he become editor of the southern Literary and later married Virginia who was not yet 14 yrs. Old. In April of 1833 Edgar wrote to John Allan again begging for money to "save him from destruction". Allan refused to give him any help because of his attitude. On March 27,1834 John Allan died and Edgar didn't get a dime out of his will. In 1842 Virginia began to feel ill, Edgar encouraged her singing to make her a perfect musician, In January 1842 Virginia was bleeding from her mouth when she sang. She was diagnosed with early staged of tuberculosis, it hit Poe very hard, and in the spring of 1842 Poe started drinking again. In January of 1847 Virginia died and Poe continued to drink heavily and he suffered from paranoia In the summer of 1849 he was reunited with his fiancée. In October of 1849 Poe was found unconscious and taken to the hospital where he died on Sunday, October 7, 1849 and his death still remains a Mystery. Edgar Allan Poe had a tragic life because his parents died, then he was taken in the home of a man who didn't love him so he turned to alcohol and it lead him on a path of destruction.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


.The Transcendentalist were romantics who apopted philosophies from many other places and cultures.

. They believed that the individual human mind was one of the most powerful instruments in the world.

In the story Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson this story is talking about nature and what nature is, he is talking about how nature can be poetic he is also talking bout how god speaks through peoples mind for example if he is walking through the woods and he comes acoss a river and he doesn't see anyone and he can't talk so he is thinking that god would speak to him through his mind, and he also believes that nature brings him closer to god. He talks about how nature is not like man nature never has a mean apperance and how nature is poetical, he thinks that only few people see the sun and that the sun shines in the heart of a child and those who love nature. He also talks about how you can go out into nature when you are stressed and depressed, and somehow the nature will give you comfort. The direct evidence for this paragraph is when he says nature always wears the colors of the sprit.

I think this is a good example of transcendentalism because this story was talking about how nature speaks to you and when you are alone in nature god would speak to you through your mind, Ralph Waldo believed when you were alone and you couldn't see or hear anything but nature speaking to you that was considered hard work and god would approve of that because it brings you closer to god.

Self-reliance was basically talking about how you should listen to your self because everybody has a brain and they should make their own decisions, he is teling you to trust your self and don't listen to everyone else, he feels if you don't listen to your self or feel good about your self you should classify your self as the man you see on the wall (shadow). He feels you should speak what you think in hard words today and also tomorrow he feels that those who don't believe in themselves or speak what they mean they will surely be misunderstood. Direct evidence is when he says " There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the belief that envy is ignorance that imitation is suicide that he must take himself for better or for worse."
I think this is a good example of transcendentalism because he feels you should speak what you think and not what someone else thinks and thats the reason god gave all of us a brain, to think for ourselves and not for others, he feels that for those who don't speak for themselves will be misunderstood i think god wants all of us to listen to out intellectual spirits and not those of others.

He is talking about the government and what he expects out of the government, he feels that the government does not care and is not concerned with the will of others and that their will would be abused and perverted. He also feels that the Mexican war was lead on by a few individuals using the government as a excuse to carry on the war. He thinks that the American government is a tradition. He feels that with the government choosing war it is not helping the country become free or it does not educate. He believed that he didn't need the government in his life because he believed that god speaks through people's mind and he didn't need them makind decisions for him he also believed that people should make their own decisions not the government making them for them. He was against slavery he would not pay his property taxes because he felt all they were going to do with his money was invest it into slavery and he was not going for that. He went to jail for a night because he refused to pay his taxes with the war going on and all everybodies taxes was going up to help pay for the war and slavery.

I think this is a good piece of writing because he is talking about the government and how he feels about the government i agree with him for not wanting to pay his taxes or to help with the war i think he felt like it was bad for people to pay taxes to watch slavery continue he feels that the government is not needed because god will lead you and thats the only guidance that you will need, it is a good example of transcendentalism because he was a very hard worker he was a entrepreneur and he did what he thought was right in god's point of view which was not to contribute to the war and slavery but to go with what you thought was right.

I chose to talk about susan and david, i think this is a good scenario bcause susan is in a situation that she has to make a choice. She has to choose if she wants to go to college or be with david if i think she should get married to david and ask him if he would move with me where ever the school is and just start working at a local grocery store. I think that the transcendentalist would support my opinion because they thought that god speaks throught people's mind, and hard work and it is hard work because sally was in a very tough situation and she made a decision to marry and both of them would move and start a new life.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Quiet Little Girl Name Sally

The Quiet Little Girl Name Sally
Today I visited the hospital to go see a friend of mine who had just had a newborn baby girl. I went to speak to her and to see ho she was doing, and then I headed to the nursery. When I walked in I saw all kinds of colors and pictures on the walls. They had pictures of babies and toys. It smelled so good.
As soon as I walked in I saw hundreds of babies of different colors and sizes. Some of the babies were very small and some of the babies were just huge. All the babies were pretty and had on pretty clothing. I walked around the room and glanced at all the babies to see if I recognized any of the faces, but I didn’t. I asked the nurse if she could show me where Sally was, and she led me to one of the biggest and beautiful babies in the room. She had on a pink diaper with a little pink hat on her head. She was so pretty, and big She was a caramel color with long curly black hair. She looked like she weighed about ten pounds.
I reached out to pick her up, and she held her arms out to me. As soon as I picked her up, the fresh smell of baby lotion and powder evaporated into the air. She laid her head on my shoulder, and I rocked her to sleep. I felt very shocked and happy that she laid her head on me, and she didn’t even know me.
Each day I went to see Sally, and she looked the same as months ago. She was still the big curly haired baby that I had seen for the first in the nursery, (even though she had grown.) I remembered her as I saw her for the first time; the quiet little girl named Sally. Every time I go to see Sally, I always tell her the story about when I first saw her at the hospital. I tell her about all the other babies and how they looked and how she was one of the biggest babies in the entire hospital and all she does is laugh. I enjoy going to see Sally because she makes my day. She loves to play outside and ride her bike and one of her favorite things to do is watch Barney and eat fruit snacks.
Yesterday was a special day because I will be babysitting Sally for the first time. I am looking forward to babysitting her because her mother always tells me good things about Sally. She tells me how Sally is just an energetic baby and how she just loves to crawl around and play with her dolls. I think that it was a great experience to spend the whole day with Sally. Sally and me went outside and sat on the porch and watched the cars go by. After a while Sally got restless so it was time for her daily snack and nap.
to eat and then take her daily nap. I went in the kitchen to fix Sally a bottle and get her a cup of applesauce. I warmed her bottle up, and held her in my arms and watched her drink away. After she finished her bottle, I opened up the cup of applesauce and the smell of fresh apples escaped into the air. When she finished I burped her and laid her down to go to sleep. As the days went by I visited Sally. It seemed each time I saw her she was getting bigger by the day, And soon she started to crawl. Then she started making babyish sounds that sounded like her tongue was tied.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

in the next chapter fancy was leaving one of her after hour classes and as she was getting into the car a man came from behind and attacked her i think the man was her ex boyfriend byron because he said that she will never be able to leave him without a fight, the teacher was going to his car wen he saw the man attacking fancy and he went and got the man off of fancy and shot at him, the bullet hit him in his leg but the man got away.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

In the next chapter Fancy started her real estate classes and when she went to the classes the teacher was asking questions and he called on her and she didn't answer it correctly and the other students in the class started making fun of her and she said that they may be making fun of her now but when she passes the test the first time and not have to repeat the class and get her business license they won't be laughing then.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

American Romanticism

American Romanticism

The legend of sleepy hollow was mainly about a man who was telling a story about sleepy hollow where he lived and how things were. He was talking about the people who lived around him and the things that he saw daily he talked about the schools and how the schools looked, he also talked about the way that sleepy hollow treated people and how he felt about people he talked about when he was in school sleepy hollow used to stay after school and play with the larger boys and sometimes he would walk the younger boys home who had a older sister around his age. He also taught some of the children in his neighborhood and he stayed weeks at a time teaching them what he already knew, sleepy hollow assisted farmers in work that wasn’t to hard, He also song a lot he was the singing master of his neighborhood he gave some of the children in the neighborhood singing lessons. He was also a gossiper he carried local gossip from house to house. I feel that he was a good man overall but he was also a pretender he wanted people to think he was something that he really was not he tried to make the women think he was smart which he was but he wanted them to think more of him so he tried to teach the local children to make a name for his self I think he took it to far he should of did it out the goodness of his heart and not to get a woman’s attention.

Ichabod Crane tried to get in good with the mothers of young children by petting them with toys and taking them out and just trying to play a role of a family man this is romantic because most women likes a man who accepts their children, and who gets along well with her children and if the children likes the man thats a 100 for the man because 9 times out of ten the man will get a chance because the woman thinks he is a family man.

I think Ichabod Crane tried to be a schoolmaster because he thought that would get him girls, he tried to teach the younger children in his neighborhood who had older sisters and he also tried to teach them singing lessons.

This story is romantic because Ichabod Crane wants you to imagine that you are in the city he wants you to believe that the city is romantic, this story is a horror story because this horse runs around chasing people and he is headless but the rationalist believe that it is not humanly possible to do that because they only believe in scientific things, sleepy hollow is a town that has a lot of roots. You have to imagine that you are there to understand the things that he is talking about like the headless horse or when he is talking bout nature its all about you imagination.

This poem is about a boy name William Cullen Bryan who is 17 yrs. Old he describes Mother Nature and how he feels about it he describes death as if he had died before. The poem is saying that no matter who you are or how much money that you have we all will die the same way and become food and nutrients to the outdoors. It’s saying that you shouldn’t worry about death because everybody will die one day and when you do worry about death mother nature will talk to you, and when you are sad and depressed it will come quicker, the nature adapts to all the moods that you are in for ex: if its sunny outside you will be happy, but if its raining outside you will be sad and depressed.

This poem is about a man working at a rope factory and he is imagining how many different thing ropes can be used for. The first thing is when he talks about he’s talking about making a swing, then he talks about a woman on a farm getting water out of a well using rope. Next is a old man using rope to ring the bells to let everybody know its time to come in, last is a schoolboy flying his kite.

I think this picture is considered romanticism because u have to visualize the picture just imagine you were there and think how would the sky look, and how would the grass look and how would it feel to be in a place of war I said war because it looks like there is a fire in the sky.

I think this is a good picture of romanticism because you have to imagine the things that you see and just imagine that you were there.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

In the next chapter fancy was starting to go to her real estate classes so she could own her own business and on her way to her class one day she saw this homeless woman sitting on a bench outside of a ice cream palor and the lady told fancy tat she was going to fall in love with a boy who names starts with a D and that would be darius she said that fancy would be so deep in love with him tat she would take a bullet for him and that she needed to go to anger management classes and get on good terms with her mom and dad because her life was dependent on it.