Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gonna lay down my burdens

Once desiree tried calling the police carmen told her please don't call them because remember i didn't have to come over here unless you called me so i came over here to help you. After they got to carmens house both of them and regina drunk some margarita to try and get their head off of the incident desiree felt bad that chester had got hit in the head but she also didn't feel bad because he was beating on her and she wanted to leave him anyway.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gonna Lay down my burdens

this book is about two girls name carmen is engaged and about to be married in a week when desiree calls and says that her and her boyfriend chester was in a fight and she is afraid for her life and needs carmen to come and rescue her but carmen doesn't want to get involoved because the last time she got involved with one of their fights everyone ended up mad at her but she felt like it was her obligation to go and help desiree because she was her friend and because her and another friend had gave her a baby shower. So carmen was supposed been doing her friend name regina's hair but she had to cancel the appointment to after she went and helped desiree so when she got to deisree's house chester was on the porch drinking some liquor and he said good day carmen and she spoke to him then asked where is desiree i am here to pick her up she called and told me to come and get her so when she walked in the house she saw everything was scattered on the floor and broken so she headed for the kitchen and when she reached the kitcen she saw desiree with her head down and she asked are you ready to go and chester walked in and was like baby tell her you are staying here and that you don't want to go and desiree said i'm just going with carmen for a while so they both got up and exited the kitchen and as they were leaving chester called for desiree and she didn't stop so he tried grabbing her but carmen jumped in the wa so he hit carmen and she picked up a weight off the ground and hit him in the head.............................


This story is about this man named Grendal who is constantly killing and hurting people for no apparent reason it seems to me that he doesn’t like to see other people happy because he isn’t happy so once he see’s someone happy he try’s to kill them. After time people stopped believing in god and started going to temples and worshipping the devil asking the devil what he would do if he was in a situation like they were in. Beowulf heard of grendals doing and decided to go across sea’s to see if he could help with anything and once he was across the water Hrothgar’s men asked who are you mean coming across the water unto our land I guard here to make sure that nobody is trying to come over to the Danes to hurt us and I need permission from my kinsmen to allow you in.

Beowulf told the men who he were and he also told them about his father he mentioned that his father was well known and a lot of people knew him before he passed away he said that they were from the great nations. He told them that they have came under good conditions to see their leader, he said that they have heard that violence appears in the night someone is coming and attacking the Danes and he is here to try to help Hrothgar stop this person. Beowulf said if Hrothgar refuses what he is trying to tell him then the people will keep getting hurt for eternity.

The man told Beowulf that he seems like a very friendly man who is coming to help his leader and he will lead him to where Hrothgar was. Once they got to Beowulf’s house the man said that he had to leave now and he hopes the Beowulf will take this under consideration and he was returning to see to make sure people wasn’t trying to cross over without their permission.

Wulfgar went and told Hrothgar that he had some visitors from across sea’s and they were here to help him he told him do not refuse their request because they seem like very worthy men and the leader is very strong. Hrothgar told Wulfgar that he has knew Beowulf sense he was a boy and he also knew his father he said that god must have sent the man to him to help him stop Grendal. Beowulf entered into Hrothgar’s office and informed him that he has been in many battles and have lost very few he told him that he came across sea’s to fight Grendal and he asked Hrothgar not to refuse him to fight Grendal because he wants the Danish people to be safe in their homeland.

He also told him that if he is killed while fighting Grendal he doesn’t have to worry about having a burial for him because his men will carry his blood dripping corpse back across seas. Hrothgar invited Beowulf and Unferth to dinner and once they were settled unferth brought up some old stuff about Beowulf about when he was younger and Beowulf told him drunk as you are off of beer you don’t realize what you are saying he said no one can fight better than me or out do me. He said I have not ever heard about you surviving such battles, He said you should burn in hell because you killed your own brother. He felt that if unferth was strong as he claimed he was then Grendel wouldn’t be doing all the stuff he is doing right now because unferth would of stopped him. The next night Beowulf waited up for Grendal once he got their he started to eat men to their flesh and once he reached Beowulf he tried to grab him but hr grasped his arm. I think Beowulf illustrated. I knew that the Anglo-Saxons wrote the story Beowulf because it seems like it is a narrated story of how they lived their life because both stories was a war story in the stories they were talking bout how people were killing people and they sent a hero to stop it. Three examples of how Beowulf illustrated the Anglo- Saxons,” he was the strongest of men
alive in that day,
mighty and noble.
That man called for a ship,
said he would cross the ocean
and help the king who needed help. The reason Beowulf was going across seas was to help Hrothgar stop Beowulf. If it is true what we have heard,
that a dark enemy in the nights
works violence and slaughter
on the Danes. . . . Perhaps
in kindness I may advise Hrothgar
how he, wise and famous,
may overcome this enemy--
if change will ever come,
relief from this evil--
and how this seething sorrow
might become cool.
Otherwise, he will suffer tribulation
as long as he lives in that high place,
the best of houses."
I think my examples are illustrating the Anglo Saxons because included in my examples they are talking about how they are trying to help people and how they are suppose to be super hero's and in the Anglo Saxons the whole story was about how they wantes to help people and save people from monsters and other cruel things,The people who wrote the Anglo Saxons and beowulf are very similar because both stories are about a person who is trying to save other people from different theings i think the Anglo Saxons was toned down a little bit and wasn't as much drama as it is in Beowulf but both storeis are showing the same thing they are trying to be heros, in the story the Anglo Saxons they were trying to stop people from invading their turf and their tradition was warrior tradition the same as Beowulf the only difference was that Beowulf was trying to stop Gendal from killing and eatinf innocent people.

He is saying that if it is true about what is being said about Grendal he will tell Hrothgar to worry no more because he is here to stop him.

This story is similar to our culture because when most people see danger they try and stop it. The reason for me saying this is because wherever danger may be someone will try to help and stop it for example if a man is getting jumped on by a group of guys at a supermarket and a bystander sees them most likely he will go over and try to stop the fight because he sees a man that is in danger. Sometimes people may see something wrong but they choose not to say anything because they don’t want to get involved because they may feel someone will come back to hurt them and example of this would be if a lady sees a murder occur and a police ask who say what happened and everyone says I didn’t the reason for them saying this would be because they feel the person or someone from the family would hurt them. The ending of the story was very sad how Beowulf died because he was a very helpful man he put his life on the line to try and help other people I feel that he departed this world on a good note knowing that he helped stop a monster that was killing people, I think that the Danish people were very proud and thankful lfor Beowulf because they could live a comfortable life. An example of how Beowulf died is the dragon angrily came;
the terrible spirit
another time attacked
with surging fire. While Wiglaf was tellign Beowulf to hold ona nd on't depart this life the dragonc ame once again and spat fire at the both of them and it burned Wiglafs helment, Wiglaf was saddened that Beowulf would be departing this world because of all the accomplishments and winnings that Beowulf have had he didn't want to see him leave the earth so soon.

I think that an example fo how they Anglo Saxons tried to protect their country would be, "The centerpiece of Anglo-Saxon culture was the warrior tradition, and the ultimate protection of England from its invaders". i feel that the Anglo Saxons wanted their country to be protected and they also wanted the people int he country to feel and know they were protected thats why they tried to stop the invaders.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

