Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Rationalists

The Rationalists and the puritains were diffrerent in many ways as the puritain thought that God controlled everything the rationalists thought that Science and their rules controlled everything for ex: in todays time most people think that they could use their brains to figure everything out because they thought that science controlled the world and that is all needed in the world to figure out things, and the purtains believed that god did everything for a reason and that it should not be questioned what god did.
In the autobiography of ben franklin he is writing to his son telling him about all the things he has did in his life and how he has turined his life around for the sake of hisself and his child ben franklin is a example of a rationalist because he thinks that he can make a mathamatical day into a day chart. the thirteen virtues are temprance,silence,order,resolution,fragality,sincerity,justice, moderation,cleaniness,tranquillity,humility.

If i could make my life better by making a list of thirteen virtues it would be to stay organized,focused, to be on time for school, be present for class everyday,get all of my work done, make a's and b's, stay away from people that are bad influences, graduate from high school, go to college, help those who need help, keep a job. i think that all thirteen of these virtues will make my life better because all of these steps are needed in daily life just to have a stable and good life.

Three examples of Reationalist from the declaration of independence are: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. this means that all men are created equal and all men have the same rights and it they cannot be taken away, they have a right to have a life and the pursuit of happiness, it means that every human being has a right to a good life, and its saying that the government and nobody else has a right to take it away because its the right of humans.
Second one is
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, meaning that once the governement trys to take away human rights it is our right to put the government to an end and set up a new one.

Third one is
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Meaning that once people start abusing people and taking advantage of people it is a our right as a human being to treminate them and find somebody better.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

In the next chapter they Fancy and darius are going to go on a date because fancy is feeling down because her and byron are not on good terms, and darius us feeling down because is brother died so they are going to go to the movies to dinner then off to watch the sunrise darius thinks he will get fancy to be intimate with him after he spends all of his money on her but thats not so. Darius is running out of money because his ex girlfriend burned down his law firm and his parents said he can no longer work for them so he has to find a new job and a new girl with money because he likes to be known as a BALLER!

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina
On August 29, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana at about 5:00 in the morning, heavy rainfall fell across the city, And the unexpected happened. Most of the levees in New Orleans broke and the rain flooded the city. Most of the people were asleep around the time that the city flooded. Some were up and trying to evacuate the day before the governor of Louisiana made a public appearance on a local news station, and told the people of New Orleans that they should evacuate because the city was expected to flood the next day, Many people didn’t believe it, so they stayed in the city. When the city flooded, the governor (Roy Naggin) and President Bush tried to evacuate people too different cites because not many people were likely to survive.
President Bush and Governor Roy Nagin did little to help the people of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas because president Bush knew about the hurricane weeks before it happened and he could have demanded evacuation. Thousands of people in the state of Louisiana lost their lives because the president and the governor were careless, Meaning they didn’t do enough to help the people of Louisiana The Governor and the president knew about the hurricane weeks before it was supposed to take place but still did nothing to try and help the people.

The president and the governor called FEMA to help the people of Louisiana but little was done. The people still had to wait days for food, water and dry clothes to be delivered to them even after FEMA had been called constantly because they were not responding quick enough. Most of the people were looking for their family members who had been lost and scattered throughout the city. People from other states and cities tried to help. They brought busloads of food, water, clothes, hygiene supplies and much more but was stopped at the bridge because the police department of Louisiana said no one could past the gate even if they were looking for their family members.
The people of New Orleans were scattered throughout the United States by the President and the Governor. The majority of the people were sent to Georgia and Texas after the storm. When people chose where they wanted to go they chose Georgia and Texas. The lower 9th Ward in New Orleans, where most of the people lived was completely destroyed and flooded. When the people came to Georgia, they felt they didn’t have anything to live for because the government wasn’t trying to help them and neither was the President. They were not thinking about their actions, or what happened to them.
On August 29,2006 a year after Katrina when we revisit New Orleans some things have been rebuilt but many things look the same as a year ago. The richer side of New Orleans (thanks to the help of Oprah Winfrey) has been rebuilt but some people believe that she should of paid more attention to the poorer side than the richer side, but the poorer side of New Orleans looks the same before. Nothing has been bothered to be rebuilt. People are still living in hotels and FEMA trailers wondering where they will be laying their head in the future.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Nothing has ever felt like this

In chapter two in to book it is about how this boy name darius trys to talk to a lady name fancy who also goes with darius's friend byron and fancy says that she doesn't want to talk to darius because she heare dhe is a player and because she just met him the only reason that darius wants to talk to fancy is for his benefit only he just wants to use her for her body and fancy is a gold digger so fancy breaks up with byron in order to start talking to darius because darius owns his own business and she is after his money.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thugs and the women that love them the most pg. 1-100

Thugs and the women that love them the most is a bestseller book, the book is about three women by the name of Jaz,Kyra and Angel each of those women has there preference of men and thugs has to be the one that they choose, each of them has one or more things in common each of them is trying to leave the ghetto and the lying pimping thugs that they are dating but each one of them are living double lives they tell each other that they aren't messing with the men anymore but come to find out they are because all of them are freinds they men and the women each of them has good jobs and they have had their share of good men but they would rather be with a thug for the rest of their life because thats all that they are used to and they don't know differently.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


The Puritans belived in god very strongly they believed just like adam and eve everybody is born in the world sinful, they also believed god saves some people but only a few are selected for salvation,they believed jesus died for some but i believe he died for all not for some.The Puritans was people who believed in certain religious ways they had their own belief in what god was and what god could do they thought that their beliefs was the only beliefs and that they were right. I think the purtains were people who was afraid of god so they wanted everybody else to feel that god was a angry god, i think most of their beliefs were wrong because god died for all sins not for some they believed in a certain religion about god and though that if he believed that everybody should believe what they thought because they were always right.

The Puritain text were written like they once knew god and he told them all of these things that are written in their text for ex:
The belief that God's intentions are present in human action and in natural phenomenon. Failure to understand these intentions are human limitations. I think the Puritains lived their lives trying to tell people who jesus was and what jesus did they also believed that god was amyserious god because he was separate from the world, they thought that god should be made more known to the universe because he is not getting enough credit for his actions and that evrybody should glorify god because he is over all people. Johnathan Edwards a minister was the first to preach the sermon of "Sinners hands of an angry god" because of the presentation most of the audience was left crying he had to ask the audience to quiet down so he could finish his sermon because it was and outroar about what he was preaching about.

Three examples of sinners in the hands of an angry god are, perseverance, limited atonement, and unconditional election.The Puritans wrote in plain style which means they didn't care how you took it or how it made you feel they just spoke their minds, the puritans tried to scare majority of the people by telling them that once they died everybody was gonna go to hell because god was a angry god.

Total Depravity- -
"Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the fast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof, again to set their feet on the firm and stable earth, their proper element".through Adam and Eve's fall, every person is born sinful - concept of Original Sin. this senteance means that once you are born into the world u haven't committed any sins.

Unconditional Election-God "saves" those he wishes - only a few are selected for salvation.
"The manifold and continual experience of the world in all ages, shows this is no evidence, that a man is not on the very brink of eternity, and that the next step will not be into another world." it means that god saves some not all but that is not true because if you are willng to give your life to the lord then he will accept it.

Limited Atonement-
"It is no security to wicked men for one moment, that there are no visible means of death at hand. It is no security to a natural man, that he is now in health, and that he does not see which way he should now immediately go out of the world by any accident, and that there is no visible danger in any respect in his circumstances" Jesus died for the chosen only, not for everyone
that is not true because jesus died for everybody' sins not just for some.

Plain style text is text that the puritains wrote in meaning that they said things to meake you afraid of god and they didn't care how you took it or how it made you feel it means that they didn't want you to get any pleasure out of reading what tehy wrote they just wanted you to think god, was a angry god. The puritains believed that whatever they said was right they believed in one religion and that everybody else should believe in that religion to or they wouldn't be accepted by god.